About Me

I am a driven and focused software engineer proficient in object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithm design, debugging skills, full-stack development, web & mobile application development, machine learning. I am seeking intern and full-time opportunities as a Software Engineer/Developer in the United States and willing to relocate everywhere in United States. #OpenToWork To know more, download my resume or contact me.

Current Learnings

My learning interest would be backend engineering including developing microservices, mastering enterprise architecture patterns with event-driven programming, Java Messaging Service.


I would like to work for organizations that want to migrate to Microservices and event-driven architectures, already using Microservices architecture, and want to migrate from one cloud vendor to another, developing cloud-based Solutions.

Contact Details

Kunjkumar Patel
Canton, MI, USA


California State University, East Bay

MS in Computer Science. August 2019 - May 2021

I joined California State University, East Bay for my graduate degree in August 2019.

Relevant Coursework: Web Technology, Advanced Algorithm Design, Operating System Design, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Computer Vision.

GPA: 3.61/4

Gujarat Technological University

B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering August 2015 - June 2019

Completed my Bachelor's in Computer Science & Engineering in 2019 from Gujart Technological University

Relevant Coursework: Data Structures & Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and JAVA, Operating Systems, Data mining, Database management systems, Web Technology , Advanced Java.

Work Experience

Graduate Research Assistant at iLab

California State University, East bay, Hayward, CA May 2020 - May 2021

  • Inventing an AI-based solution that used to assist the general public with situation awareness and understanding potential risks related to geographical locations as it relates to Covid-19
  • Performed data collection, generated XML annotation for 5000+ images, and demonstrated image classification, object detection, and counting CNN models by fine-tuning pre-trained TensorFlow models
  • Collaborating in a team of crowd density estimation systems that performs the classification of crowds and detecting people and count from live scenes-increased model accuracy by 18%
  • Skills and Technology: Android studio, java, Google Maps API, Python, Firebase, SQLite, XML


Vote Registration

|Flask, JavaScript, SocketIo| May 2020

  • • Asynchronous updates to a webpage with Flask and Socket.io. A voting application that will count and display votes in real-time.
  • • Used python(Flask) for Back-end development and Javascript for front end development.

GitHub Page

Handwritten Digit Recognition

|Python| April 2019

  • • Implemented the K-Means clustering algorithm.
  • • Used Principal component analysis(PCA) and linear discriminant analysis(LDA) for dimensionality reduction of data set.

  • GitHub Page

Paddle-board tours-React web application

|AWS Amplify, Javascript, React, NodeJS| August 2019-December 2019

  • • This Project emphasizes full-stack multiuser web applications with sophisticated browser user interfaces.
  • • Implemented using Javascript(React) as front end development and Back end development using NodeJs.
  • • Deployed Using AWS Amplify.Hosting

GitHub Page

Diseases Prediction

|NumPy, Pandas, SciPy| Feb 2020

  • • Built a machine learning model to accurately predict whether or not the patients in the dataset have diabetes or not.

GitHub Page


Programming Languages

Python, JavaScript, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, C/C++


Relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL) Non-relational (MongoDB, Firebase, DynamoDB).

Tools & Platforms

GitHUb, AWS, Heroku, Atom, Jupyter Notebook, REST.

Data Science

NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, Pytorch, Keras, Sklearn, NLTK.

Web Frameworks

Django, Flask, React, Bootstrap, NodeJS, ExpressJs, SQLAlchemy

Get In Touch.

If you are interested in what you see, feel free to contact me and leave me a message in the text box below.

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